Outlaw Star Script- Episode 11 Adrift in
Narrator: Ether spray laps against the sides of
ships. Stars flare up turbulance, space whipping out storms. The swift currents of the abyss overpower them. Cast off planetary
debree pierces their hulls, left with a history of scars and mutation. But no matter how many thousands of ships are
turned to scrap, or tens of thousands of lives vanished into the void, ships do not stop venturing into this sea. There
is no end to sailors who will sail her. Drawn by mysterious passion, craving an endless appetite. Unknown regions await
them even now in this endless era.
// The Outlaw Star quickly races to the checkpoint as the wave approaches.
How do I get out?
Gilliam: There is no way out.
Gene: No way?
Jim: Gene, the checkpoint, I think its
gonna be swallowed up!
Gene: All we can do is break through at full speed.
Gilliam: Thats not very smart...
But Gilliam, I thought you were the fastest ship in the galaxy.
Melfina: Engine output 108%. All engines show normal.
Go!!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!
// The Outlaw Star narrowly makes it through the checkpoint.
Gene: We did it!
Adrift in Subspace
Gilliam: Hate to disillusion you,
but we're not out of the planet's orbit yet. And please return the engine output to normal levels.
Gene: Man, you
just have to complain about everything, don't ya. Huh?
Race Official: You have just cleared checkpoint 1 Outlaw Star,
and I gotta tell ya that was one heck of a stunt you pulled out there.
Gene: I know, where do we stand now?
Official: Well lets see... You just flew past 12 ships. There are 13 ships ahead of you, but your time puts you in sixth
as of now.
Jim: We're only in sixth after all we went through?
Race Official: You know, you're not the only
ones who took that route just now, but I'll tell ya, you are the only ones who slipped past that wave.
Gene: Yeah,
well I thought I'd try to make the race a little more exciting.
Race Official: I getcha. Well now, you have a good
race, okay?
Jim: Next up is the fifth planet Heiphong 5. Distance about 5 million kilometers.
Gene: Alright
then, lets go to Sub Ether and jump this stretch, what do you say?
// Meanwhile, Suzuka listens to a radio on the beach.
The rookie ship Outlaw Star has suddenly jumped up when it cleared the first checkpoint and is know currently in sixth
place. What do you think will happen, Mr. Ishigaki?
Mr. Ishigaki: Good question. With the Outlaw Star in sixth place,
its certainly the darn course.
// On Outlaw Star...
Gene: Making a single orbit around this thing is an easy
checkpoint, its obvious, what do you think... Jim? Huh?
// Jim is asleep.
Gene: Hey! Jim!
Hang in there Jim, we're almost to the weigh station.
Jim: (yawns) Yeah, you're right. You know, we're supposed to
pull the ship over so we can run maintanence for atleast an hour.
Gilliam: All systems show normal. Showing all
Gene: Well in that case, lets run maitanance on our selves. C'mon guys, lets go get something to eat.
They go to the station. Gene sees the El Dorado in the ship dock.
Gene: Its that ship... I finally caught up with him.
Gene walks into a restaurant in the station and to the table where Harry sits.
Gene: Pardon me guys, are you the crew
of the El Dorado?
Harry: Yeah, thats right, and who's asking?
Gene: First of all, which one of you's MacDougal?
There's nobody by that name here.
Gene: Yeah right, like I'm supposed to believe you. The MacDougal Brothers are the
ones who own the El Dorado.
Harry: Who are you talking about? I don't have the foggiest idea of what you mean.
Look, don't be stupid. It doesn't look like the guy Hilda talked to is here, but I remember that ship alright.
Flashback to El Dorado
Gene: You don't fool me, I wouldn't forget that
for anything. That is definately the same ship that attacked us at Farfallas.
Leo: What are you trying to pull here
Terry: Let go of Harry right now!
Harry: Hey Terry, Leo its okay. Look here, I have no idea what you're
talking about, I've never even been to Farfalas, or whatever.
Gene: Alright then, why were the Kai Pirates looking
for the XGP? And why did your people try to destroy the XGP?
Harry: If you keep trying to pick a fight, I'll just
have to call the race staff and...
Gene: Fine, go ahead but if you're smart you'd just cut out all the nonscense and
just level with me.
Harry: Somebody! This guy's interfering with the race!
Official: Is there a problem here?
Heh heh, no, he was just telling me about the house special, right? Well, sounds great, I better be going, the special
will have to wait for next time, thanks anyway buddy. See you later.
// He leaves.
Terry: Hey Harry, who
was that guy?
Harry: Shut your mouth.
Terry: Eh?
Harry: That little $@%*&! I can't believe it, he
survived Farfalas?
Official: Everything okay here sir, you need some help?
Harry: No, everything's okay. Thank
// Back on the ship...
Jim: Watching you deal with that guy scared the life out of me, Gene. Man, talk
about just blowing a whole bunch of hot air.
Gene: Yeah, well thats only if the guy wasn't MacDougal. But if that
really was him, then he can't ignore us anymore. You'll see, he'll make contact.
Gilliam: Excuse me, but that ship
is starting out now.
Gene: How soon can we leave?
Gilliam: In 11 minutes.
Gene: Once we catch up I'll
show him a thing or two.
// Later...
Race Official: Attention all ships, we've been told that an ether stream
is forming that stretches from Heiphong 5 to the checkpoint 4A at Heiphong 1. The use of checkpoint 4B at Heiphong 2
is recommended. I repeat...
Jim: You heard what he said.
Gene: Now, lets see how fast the El Dorado handles
// On the El Dorado...
Harry: Leo, give me the official data on the ship that left after us.
// He sees the info.
Harry: Is that the XGP?
// Meanwhile, at Fred's...
Announcer: The ship
in last place has now cleared the second check point. Two ships have currently dropped out due to engine trouble. Lets
hope no other ships...
Guard: Where do you think Gene might be with the Outlaw Star?
Fred: I have no idea, but
this pathetic broadcast is barely covering the pirate ships.
Announcer: The third check point is the Leon Lagrange
point, which is 140 kilometers from Heiphong 5.
// On Aisha's ship...
Pilot: Lady Aisha, we'll be reaching
the third chekpoint in just a moment.
Aisha: What is that out there?
Pilot: They say that a long time ago a
satellite in orbit around Heiphong 5 had been destroyed by something and all the debree from the destruction had been collected
Aisha: Reduce speed immediately.
Pilot: Like I really need to be told that.
// The El Dorado flies
by them.
Leo: Its all yours Harry.
Harry: Well we could never gain any time without me at the helm, Leo.
Aisha: Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm... Hmm?
Pilot: Is there something you'd like to share with us Lady Aisha?
I'm looking for a place to set up an ambush.
Both: Huh? Set up an ambush?
Aisha: Prepare for battle!
Prepare for battle?
Aisha: Battle systems get ready, we will now launch a sneak attack on the Outlaw Star!
Attack with a single machine gun?
Aisha: A single machine gun?! Hmph, what about your guriguri missiles or a gagaga
Pilot: We are not equipped with anything like that.
Aisha: And you call this an imperial ship?
What are you saying, the Noburi Nueiro is just for trading with Heiphong. I don't know what kind of orders you've been
given from the empire, Lady Aisha, but this ship can't make an attack!
Aisha: I can't believe this. Alright then,
its time for a clever scheme from Aisha!
// Meanwhile, the Outlaw Star approaches another checkpoint.
Jim: There
it is!
Gilliam: Ether density is climbing and is surging irregularly.
Melfina: Subspace radar error has increased
to 24% and effective radius for standard radar is also down 30%.
Gilliam: We'll have to forgo instruments and rely
on our eyes.
Gene: Now you're about to see how good I can really be.
Jim: C'mon Gene, slow down!
Yeah, sure I will.
Melfina: Current speed is 12 kilometers per second.
Gilliam: It is clear for the next 180
kilometers. But I do see some big asteroids after that.
Gene: Whats the shortest route to the checkpoint?
Please change course to one o'clock low.
Gene: Roger that.
Jim: Thats it.
Gene: Let's do it!
They go through the checkpoint.
Jim: We have cleared the checkpoint.
Gene: Yeah, way to go. All we have to do
now is get the heck outta here. Huh?
// They get a transmition.
Pilot: May day, may day. This is the Noburi
Nueiro. I've collided with an asteroid. I've abandoned ship due to risk of explosion. Request assistance, request assistance!
Its an emergency rescue transmition. I've pinpointed his position. I'll put it up on the screen.
Jim: Gene, what
do you think we should do? I know the course marshall will come by soon and they'll be sure to take care of him.
Ah... Lets help the poor guy out.
Jim: Gene, what are you pulling, thats not like you.
Gene: Believe me, its
not fun to be stranded out in space. Its a feeling I try not to remember.
// The ship stops and Gene prepares to go
Jim: Do you see him Gene?
Gene: Yeah. Uh... Uh...
Jim: Hey, whats wrong?
Gene: I'm jut a
little dizzy.
Melfina: Will you be okay?
Gene: Yeah, I think I can handle it.
// He goes out and gets
the stranded person, who is in their suit. They go inside the ship.
Gene: Okay now, you'll be fine.
Pressurization complete.
Gene: Are you the only crew member, or are the others still out there?
// The guy
removes the helmet... it's Aisha!
Aisha: You wont' get away from me this time, you sucker!
Gene: Ah! What are
you doing here?
Aisha: (laughs)
Aisha: Do you mean
to tell me after all this time the ones who have the key to the Galactic Leyline are those MacDougal guys?
They sure have a lot more information on it than I do that much I can tell ya.
Aisha: Do you really expect me to believe
you know absolutely nothing about the Galactic Leyline?
Gene: If we did, we would have gone there a long time ago.
Look, when we find something we'll be sure to tell you now get off the ship and go bug someone else.
Aisha: No
way, I can't! There's no way I can go back to the empire like this! I can't go back, they treat me like I'm useless! You're
the only lead I have, you understand me? Until I get my hands on what I want, I'm not going anywhere!
Jim: Gene,
what are you gonna do with her?
Gene: Being popular with the girls ain't easy.
Jim: Thats not what I meant.
I've never seen a ship like this before, its way behind any Ctarl Ctarl ship, it won't move unless you're wet! Heh heh,
thats very funny, don't you say?
Gilliam: How dare you talk about the galaxy's fastest, most advancedship like that.
Huh? What the heck is that thing?
Gilliam: I am not a thing. I would appreciate if you called me Gilliam.
What the... its a computer? Wow.
Gene: Enough of this, lets get back to racing. My plan to catch up with the El Dorado
sure went up in smoke, its becoming useless. Oh great, the cat girl shows up and everything goes out of whack.
If we don't finish third or better, we're gonna be in debt even deeper.
Melfina: Now preparing for Sub Ether drive.
Please handle course corrections.
Gene: Alright, roger.
Melfina: Estimated time to Sub Ether penetration 24
Aisha: Meow.
Gene: I can't see!
// Later...
Aisha: Yawn. All of this travel has worn
me out, I'm gonna take a little at nap right here. Wake me up when we get there, okay?
Gene: Yeah, sure whatever.
// Later...
Melfina: Now switching over to Sub Ether Drive. Manchausin Drive Reactor output regular and
climbing. Ether output thresholds reached.
Jim: Course laid in, relative coordinates verified.
Now forming Sub Ether bubble.
// An alarm goes off.
Aisha: Quiet down, will ya?
Gilliam: Objects are
closing in from rearward. There's an 87% probability they are missiles.
Jim: I don't get it, I didn't think anybody
was after us.
Gene: We'll just intercept them, thats all.
Melfina: We can't, we're transforming to Sub Ether
Gene: Just great. How long till we go to Sub Ether?
Melfina: 18 seconds.
Gilliam: Missiles will
impact in 16 seconds.
Gene: I'll shake them off.
Aisha: Whats going on?
Melfina: Preparations for jump
to light speed now complete. Sub Ether penetration in 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0...
Jim: We're gonna
make it. Ah!
// The missiles hit them as they go into light speed.
// On the El Dorado...
Terry: Man
Harry, that was really awesome.
Leo: Heh, they went to Sub Ether while they were being hit by gravity waves.
Too bad, they'll probably disintegrate. Okay, we can prepare to go to Sub Ether now.
Leo: Hey Harry, what was the big
deal with that ship anyway?
Harry: As far as my brother and I are concerned, it was just an eyesore.
// Meanwhile,
the Outlaw Star goes crazy.
Jim: Ah!
Gene: Erh...
Gilliam: There is no way to determine which direction
we're going.
Gene: Sub Ether drive, emergency abort!
Melfina: The Manchausin Reactor is out of control!
What the heck is going on?
Gilliam: Stress on the ship is climbing. Now exceeding any power.
Gene: Thats it!
I'm cutting all engine systems!
// He shuts the ship off, stopping it.
All: Yaaah!
Aisha: Meow. Hey,
c'mon, wake up will ya?
Gene: Uh... is everyone okay? Melfina?
Melfina: Yes, I'm fine.
Gilliam: We are
currently operating on auxiliary power so there's no information regarding whats outside. Please restart the ship.
Unbelievable... life goes on and on. Its too much.
// He restarts the ship.
Gilliam: Testing. Testing.
Where the heck are we anyway?
Gilliam: It would be accurate to say we have safely
returned to normal space. Fortunately, we don't appear to be too far away from the Heiphong system. I will try to calculate
our position.
Aisha: This ship is a lot tougher than I thought.
Gilliam: I believe I already mentioned it.
I am the fastest, most advanced ship in the galaxy.
Aisha: Hm.
Gene: Know where we are?
Gilliam: Yes,
Gene. We are slightly outside the orbit of Heiphong 5. About 360 million kilometers above its orbital plane.
How long has it been since we jumped?
Gilliam: Ship's clock says its been 2 minutes 24 seconds since Sub Ether entry.
Bring us up to date Gilliam, whats the status report?
Gilliam: Life support, all communications and all sensors show
Melfina: Irregularities confirmed in the ether drive system. Newton Reactors 1 and 3 are inoperatable.
Gene: Alright then, activate Newton Reactors 2 and 4. And lay in a stable course to checkpoint 4.
I perceive that you want to continue the race.
Gene: You think I'd give up when we can still move under our own power?
The Sub Ether drive still works, right?
Melfina: Yes, but 2 reactors are at 50 percent output, thats not enough
for Sub Ether entry, we are working under a lower level of propulsion.
Gene: How many hours to checkpoint 4 just
using the Ether drive?
Gilliam: The distance is 600 million kilometers. At 50 percent propulsion, it would take 96
Jim: The race would already be over...
Aisha: What's the deal, you've given up? Someone just blasted
you with a couple of missiles and you're just gonna sit there and cry, the ship's busted, we're stuck! What're we gonna
do? We don't stand a chance, we're all doomed! Oh no, we're really doomed, we've failed, I'll never make it . To a Ctarl
Ctarl this attitude is all wrong. A Ctarl Ctarl never accepts defeat, to a Ctarl Ctarl its all about justice, courage,
and tenacity...
Jim: Doesn't she know by now we're not Ctarl Ctarl?
Aisha: It takes guts to go swimming in the
Ether sea...
Gene: Wait, ether? Gilliam, can you tell me where that ether stream is forming?
Gilliam: Oh my,
lets take a look. Ah, here it is. The stream runs from Heiphong 5 to Heiphong 1. I've located it.
Gene: Aisha, sit
Aisha: Don't tell me what to do... Ah!
Jim: Now what are you planning to do?
Gene: I don't care
is we win or lose, but I've got an idea, I think it can work its at least worth trying.
Jim: You don't mean what
I think you mean...
Gene: Jim, you know any normal ship would be history if it went into an Ether stream. That is, any
normal ship.
Gilliam: I say this is no ordinary ship.
Gene: Thats it exactly. I noticed something surprising
when I saw the operating manual. This ship can make it out of an ether stream with no problem. Which means, we're gonna
take this baby...
Jim: I don't wanna hear it!
Gene: And ride that ether stream all the way.
Heh, let's go!
// They do...
Melfina: We have made contact and have now switched to Grappler combat mode.
Have faith in me guys, enjoy the ride, you're in good hands. I can handle this, I can do it!
Jim: How do you know?
I don't!
Jim: I knew it.
Gene: Thats okay, there's a first time for everything!
// Using parachutes on
the grappler arms, the ship is pulled along the wave.
Gene: (How bad?) is the best practice.
Aisha: Heeyah!
Lets get that missile guy!
// The El Dorado heads through the checkpoint.
Race Official: You have just passed
checkpoint 4, El Dorado.
Harry: What's our standing?
Race Official: According to our checkpoint data, as the
standings read you are currently in 4th place.
Leo: So now it all depends on which ships are headed for Heiphong
1, is that right?
Race Official: However, we have recently been notified that there is an ether stream that is in
the surrounding areas of Heiphong 1.
Harry: So finishing in above 4th place is a sure thing. But why is my heart pounding
like this?
// Elsewhere...
Tech Guy: What, where did they come from?
Tech Guy 2: It looks like they're
riding the ether stream.
Tech Guy: By accident?
Tech Guy 2: No, it look